Home Hosted Visit

This trip brings you to a family house in Senkvice and it is designed specifically for foreign tourists, who want to know about the everyday life in Slovakia.

Šenkvice is an old wine village, which has been populated by Croats during the Turkish invasion of the Balkans. Šeknvice also retain their traditions and very nice folk costumes, which are still worn by many families on ceremonial occasions. Rich ornaments on Slovak costumes are incredibly diverse. They can be seen not only in the folk clothes, but also on ceramic, as part of the decoration of dwellings, furniture and embroidery.

Several very nice families will open their home and show you how they live and you will enjoy the traditional Slovak cuisine. These are families dealing with traditional Slovak crafts such as wine growing and wine making, pottery and farming.

During the drive on the bus our guide will tell you about Slovakia and its history, culture, traditions and answer your curious questions.

Whether you choose wine production, animal feeding on the farm, or you are more artistic oriented and would like to try making your own pottery, this program is something that you won´t forget.